Generation of Sustainability

I.T.E.T. Leonardo da Vinci - Milazzo Italy
ITET “Leonardo da Vinci” is a technological high school attended by just under 1,000 students, from Milazzo and the surrounding area.
Our school started with a course of accountancy in 1956 but, throughout the years, the Institute has enhanced its educational offer and now our students have the chance to choose among different courses such as: Marketing and Business management, Information technology, Tourism, Constructions and Territory management, Graphics and Communication and, recently, Transports and Logistics which is well known as Nautical course.
This range of courses has been provided in accordance with the student motivation and to meet the needs of our territories.
In fact our school is located in the heart of Milazzo, an ancient town, a peninsula surrounded by the sea, rich in history and natural beauties, moreover it is the “gate” to the Eolian islands “: the 7 pearls of the Mediterranean sea
Address: Via Colonnello Francesco Magistri, 40, 98057 Milazzo ME, Italija

3 Geniko Lykeio Galatsi Greece
Our school is a typical public school located in a residential area of Athens, Greece’s capital, where 250 students are taught by 20 teachers. It offers general upper secondary education and follows the compulsory curriculum centrally specified which aims to gradual in-depth understanding and specialization in several cognitive fields. It either prepares its graduates for entrance exams to universities or facilitates their access to the labor market.
Professors participating in the project:
Dimitra Rimpa (History and Political education), Andreas Koulouris (Maths), Kostas Akrivopoulos (Maths), Helen Zalavra (ICT), Koralia Petrochilou (Greek literature), Chrysanthi Korre (Greek literature), Maria Nezi (Maths), Kostas Siemos (Greek literature and Principal of the school), Adam Adamopoulos (Ancient Greek).
Address: Ag. Irinis 5, 11146 Galatsi, Athens, Greece.
Gymnázium Púchov Slovakia
We believe that
only a free human being can act in a mature way; an individual’s freedom finishes where another person’s freedom begins
following the rules which have been accepted in advance is a demonstration of an advanced culture of the institution
every person is an exceptional being who is able to overcome development to a positive change and he/she can definitely be better at something than anybody else
team work leads to reaching the common aim
the ability of self-reflection (self-evaluation) enables subsequent development of every person
every student can experience the feeling of being successful at our school
only the one who respects the others is able to respect himself/herself
finding out one’s mistake can lead to his/her personal development
The vision of our school for the future:
We want to be a school where free and equal personalities work and study with the aim of doing well, which is very important for everyone’s future in Slovakia and in Europe.
Address: Ul.1.mája 905, Puchov, Slovakia

Vilniaus Žvėryno gimnazija
Vilniaus Žvėryno gimnazija is a secondary school, located near the centre of Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, providing secondary education, with about 1000 students, whose age ranges from 11 to 19, and 80 teachers. It is a modern, open, flexible school that cherishes creativity, tradition, tolerance and citizenship, developing an educated and socially active personality who is proud of their school, city and state. Vilniaus Žvėryno gimnazija as an educational institution has the purpose to provide high-quality basic and secondary education, to promote the harmonious personality growth as well as to help the students integrate into the constantly changing society.
Address: Žalioji g. 4, Vilnius, Lithuania
Gimnazija Josipa Slavenskog Čakovec
Gimnazija Josipa Slavenskog Čakovec is a grammar school which provides general education as preparation for university education, offering four different academic programmes, each focusing on one of the following: humanities mathematical education, scientific education and modern languages totalling in 624 students and 61 teachers. The school strives to provide students with essential skills and knowledge for successful further university education and takes pride in being one of the best schools in terms of state-level standardized matura exam results.
The school’s students come from a base of 110 000 inhabitants living in Međimurje county, the northernmost county in the republic of Croatia, spanning over 730 square kilometres. The area is one of Croatia's most densely populated areas, bordering Slovenia and Hungary, and is only 60 km away from Austria. Our national capitol, Zagreb is only 90 km away.
Teachers participating in the project:
Vedrana Močnik, Croatian language teacher - coordinator for Croatia
Miljenko Blažeka, teacher of informatics and mathematics
Miroslav Gakić, sociology teacher and librarian
Antonija Jančec, teacher of biology and chemistry
Lara Kralj, biology teacher
Martina Mavrek, teacher of English and Croatian
Address: Vladimira Nazora 34, Čakovec, Croatia