Generation of Sustainability

Due to the industrial revolution, globalization and consumer society influx, our planet is going to be affected by a relevant climate change. This issue has become very important and places great challenges on societies and thus also on schools. The young generations are stimulated to run a new path. They want to show the whole world the importance of facing the problem and the need for younger generations to follow a common route. While “School Strike for Climate” focuses on demanding action from the authorities, we strongly believe that personal responsibility has crucial significance too. The current strategies of sustainability movement are assessed quite differently in the partner countries, and even a split in Europe is often evoked. We would like to inform ourselves about the motivation and consequences of irresponsible attitudes, discuss the relevant Goals set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and shape a positive point of view towards sustainable approaches.
During each meeting a particular sustainable aspect is approached, such as sustainable energy, sustainable food, sustainable products and waste management,sustainable tourism and transport, sustainable school.
The participants work project-oriented in multinational teams, which simulates the later professional activity of today's students. Using digital media, they communicate and cooperate transnationally and realize the effective cognitive interaction in peer groups during the international meetings. Participants exchange and expand their existing expertise and fact based knowledge profiting from the international approach. They apply scientific analysis and interpretation methods and get so prepared for their university career. We have also planned to realize a Carbon Footprint Calculator to make everyone aware of their personal impact on the environment and how a simple little change by anyone can produce a relevant impact on the planet.
Social interaction with people of different origins, social behaviours and attitudes and different cultural backgrounds might lead to a reduction of reserves and prejudices, of stereotypical thinking and lead to a higher sense of responsibility towards this topic. We carry out expert surveys, interviews with local and regional authorities, members of some companies operating in the related sectors and realise workshops to produce our results. We undertake special work assignments for the participating students in preparation for the meetings which aim to provide documentation in form of sets of statistical data, presentations, reports and videos, teaching sequences for pair-teaching of the partners in order to have maximum input during the meetings.
We will elaborate videos and video guides, posters, photo collages, online brochures, a robot and a carbon footprint calculator which can be accessed on the project website and the project TwinSpace. The created material may be used at schools or youth organizations for educational purposes as well as for personal interest. As a result, we expect an increase in knowledge of the problem, its causes, culture and social behaviours of the home country, the partner countries and parallels in the development of Europe.